User Management

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This guide provides step-by-step instructions for managing user accounts in Kicksecure, enhancing system security and facilitating multi-user environments.

Add a New User[edit]


To create a new user account named user2, execute the following command:

Note: Replace user2 with the desired username for the new account.

sudo adduser user2

This command will prompt you to set a password and fill in additional information for the new user. Ensuring each user has a unique account helps maintain system security and organizes user-specific configurations.

Allow New User to Login to Virtual Console[edit]


This step is necessary only if the new user account should have access to the Virtual Console for direct system interaction without a graphical interface. This can be useful for users that will also be members of the sudo group for purposes of recovery.

(This is related to security feature Console Lockdown.)

sudo adduser user2 console

Allow New User Sudo Access[edit]


If you want user2 to perform administrative tasks with elevated privileges, add them to the sudo group.

See also Safely Use Root Commands for best practices when executing commands as root.

sudo adduser user2 sudo

Adding user2 to the sudo group enables them to execute commands with root privileges by prefacing commands with sudo. Use this responsibly to prevent unintended system changes.

Switch User[edit]

To switch to the new user account, follow these steps:

Start menu → Log Out or Switch User → login

  • Username: user2
  • Password: The password set during the creation of user2.

See also:

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