Utilize Search Engines, Documentation and AI

To save your own time and be easy on the developer team please, use forums internal search function, search engines, other modern tools like AI (Artificial Intelligence) and utilize the extensive Kicksecure documentation. Do the leg work first, search for answers to your questions yourself before asking for help - especially for basic questions, as many common issues and solutions are already documented.
The Kicksecure team is promoting the "Self Support First Policy". It is a policy, usually employed by small open source teams with limited resources. It means utilizing all of your options from public sources first, then search engines, already existing content and answers, then sources inside the forum and only then consider reaching out in the forum and through direct support.
Details on Self Support First Policy
To save time please do not ask very basic questions like:
- How do I update Kicksecure?
- How is Kicksecure run on Windows?
- How does VirtualBox work?
- How do I do X on operating system Y?
First consider whether someone else has likely raised the exact same question or issue. Experience has shown that most topics have already been discussed within the Kicksecure community and often been documented.
Before asking a question, please first use search engines, modern tools like AI and refer to the Documentation and research existing threads in the Kicksecure forums.
Specific suggestions[edit]
Search Engines[edit]
Search for your problem keywords, read related threads etc.
Artificial Intelligence[edit]
Related: Real Open Source Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Existing resources should be consulted for several reasons:
- Kicksecure is a technological means to security, but staying safe necessitates complete behavioral change; it is a complex problem without an easy solution. The more you know, the safer you can be.
- Available Documentation can provide answers to some of these questions.
- Documentation answers are generally of higher quality than information posted in a casual setting (like forums or chat).
- Some questions/topics are generic in nature and out of scope for Kicksecure -- in these cases the questioner must acquire a basic prerequisite knowledge of computing elsewhere before attempting further procedures.
- The Self Support First Policy Rationale and Support Request Policy Rationale apply.
Developers have made significant efforts to configure safe defaults, but operational security (opsec) is not realized by merely using a suitable platform. Staying safe requires a change of mindset and necessary skills are normally developed via trial and effort, experimentation, and general education.
Computing security is complex subject, which means it is improbable that volunteers can assist with every step of the journey and learning curve. Or course advanced questions about Kicksecure are welcomed, particularly for undocumented use cases. [1]
See Also[edit]
- ↑ Time permitting and when developers have sufficient interest.

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