Testers Wanted!

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New Security Features Looking for Testers


Kicksecure needs more people to test new Kicksecure security features.

Please contribute by becoming a tester. This is a volunteer task.

Kicksecure is Freedom Software / Open Source. All existingarchive.org iconarchive.today icon and new security features and underlying concepts are available free of charge for any purpose, provided the respective license agreements are honored. Freedom Softwarearchive.org iconarchive.today icon licensed.

Testers only! Warning: This is for testers-only!

New Security Features Looking for Testers[edit]

The following security features are currently available in Kicksecure but are still disabled by default. After potential bugs are ironed out, these features are planned for enabling by default in a future Kicksecure upgrade and release. The ordering below reflects developer views on their "production-ready" status -- from most to least ready.

  1. Reduce Kernel Information LeaksRestrict Hardware Information to Root - Testers Wanted!archive.org iconarchive.today icon
  2. hidepid
  3. Remount Secure
  4. Install Newer Kernel Versions

Upgrade Package Repository Testing[edit]

Kicksecure requires a critical mass of users to properly test planned updates by enabling the stable-proposed-updates or testers repository. [1] Otherwise, bugs might go undiscovered and be inadvertently introduced into the stable repository.

To ensure a stable Kicksecure system is available at all times, willing testers should:

  • Create new Kicksecure and Kicksecure Templates solely for testing.
  • Enable the stable-proposed-updates or testers repository via the Derivative Repository Tool.

Then perform normal user activities.

Please only report bugs after first searching relevant Kicksecure forums and developer portals for the problem. (Please Use Search Engines And See Documentation First)

Additional Testing[edit]

The most active testers are recommended to:

  • Stay Tuned
  • Check forum tag testers-wanted, see: https://forums.kicksecure.com/tag/testers-wantedarchive.org iconarchive.today icon
    • If a Kicksecure release is still tagged testers-wanted, first check if there is already a corresponding Kicksecure stable release of that version. To find out, check Stay Tuned. If there is already a release of that version, then no extra testing is required anymore. That would mean that removal of the testers-wanted forum tag has been forgotten.

See Also[edit]


  1. The developers repository is only recommended for experts or those in touch with Kicksecure developers.

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