Donation Systray

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A systray icon encouraging donations.

draft DRAFT!


Implementation idea for a donations based Open Source business model.

Status: Stalled. No specific plans at this time.

related: Open Source Business Models

Donation Verification vs non-Verification[edit]

  • Verification: No, the actual donation status will not be verified. This is to avoid having to invent code that does that.
  • honor based: Yes.
  • fake donate: Will use be able to select "I donated already" without having actually having donated? Yes.

Systray Options[edit]

Left and/or right click menu:

  • I donated already.
  • I am eligible for an exemption.
  • Remind me in 1 week.
  • Remind me in 1 month.
  • Close.

Screenshot Issue[edit]


  • issue: If the user makes a screenshot, the systray icons should not look different for users who donated vs did not donate yet.
  • solution: The systray would have an (invisible) countdown from 60 seconds to 0 seconds. Once 0 is reached, the systray terminates itself so it vanishes from the systray.

Systray Left Click Action[edit]


Systray Right Click Action[edit]


Systray Hover Effect[edit]


Qubes Specific[edit]

  • In Qubes-Whonix:
    • Undecided. Perhaps,
    • show donations systray inside anon-whonix only to avoid duplicate systray icons.

Non-Qubes-Whonix Specific[edit]

  • Avoid duplicate systray icons in different VMs.
    • Only run in the default VM.
    • Skip if running in a "multiple VM". I.e. not the default VM but a VM with a different local internal IP different fro the default internal IP.

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