Template:VirtualBox Host Software Installation Debian

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For Debian host operating systems Choose an option from the following table. Choose either Option (A) OR Option (B).

A Automated VirtualBox Installation : Debian users could alternatively use the Kicksecure Linux Installer for VirtualBox. In this case, this wiki page can be completely ignored. No other steps from this wiki page need to be applied because the automated installer will handle everything.

B Manual VirtualBox Installation : Follow the instructions below.

Select your Debian release below to get the matching instructions.

To acquire the Recommended VirtualBox version tested with Kicksecure, package {{{virtualbox_package_debian}}} should be installed from Debian fasttrack repositoryarchive.org according to the following instructions. [1]

On the host : Open a terminal.

Update the package lists.

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! sudo apt update

Install the Debian fasttrack signing key.

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! sudo apt install --no-install-recommends fasttrack-archive-keyring

Add the Debian fasttrack repository.

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! echo 'deb https://fasttrack.debian.net/debian/ bookworm-fasttrack main contrib non-free' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fasttrack.list

Add Debian the backports repository. [2]

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! echo 'deb https://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-backports main contrib non-free' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list

Update the package lists again. [3]

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! sudo apt update

Install VirtualBox and Linux kernel headers.

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! sudo apt install --no-install-recommends {{{virtualbox_package_debian}}} linux-headers-$(dpkg --print-architecture)

Add your current user to group vboxusers. [4]

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! sudo adduser $(whoami) vboxusers


The procedure of installing the VirtualBox host software is complete.

Debian Testing

VirtualBox can be installed by adding the Debian unstable (sid) repository and APT pinning. The details of this are unspecific to Kicksecure and undocumented.

Debian Unstable

VirtualBox can be installed by adding the Debian unstable (sid) repository.

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! sudo apt update

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! sudo apt install --no-install-recommends {{{virtualbox_package_debian}}} linux-headers-$(dpkg --print-architecture)

Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! sudo adduser $(whoami) vboxusers

The details of this are unspecific to Kicksecure and undocumented.

Other Debian Releases

Other Debian releases might work, but this is untested. In case of other Debian release:
See also "Linux host operating systems" below.
See also "Linux" on the right.


  1. This is non-ideal The Web Archive Onion Version but required since VirtualBox in unavailable in official Debian bookworm repository and difficult to install due to VirtualBox Installation Challenges. Alternatively you could install VirtualBox from the Oracle (virtualbox.org) Repository, but this comes with different risks. VirtualBox might be updated by VirtualBox developers before being tested with Kicksecure which could then lead to issues. (Described in footnote Recommended Version.)
  2. This is required because the Debian fasttrack repository depends on the Debian the backports repository.
  3. This is to acquire the Debian fasttrack repository package sources.
  4. Optional: See: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch02.html#install-linux-vboxusersarchive.org Also spams ~/.config/VirtualBox/VBoxSVC.log log if not done.

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