Template:Build Documentation Get Signing Key

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Get the Signing Key

This chapter is recommended for better security, but it is not strictly required. (See Trust)

1. Download {{{fullname}}} OpenPGP key.


Note: If Kicksecure is already being used, this process can be simplified. See the footnotes. [1]

2. Store it as {{{shortname}}}.asc.

3. Import the key.

gpg --import {{{shortname}}}.asc

4. Verify the key using this fingerprint.

gpg --fingerprint {{{longfingerprint}}}

The output should show.


5. This only retrieves the signing key from one source. For better security, learn more about the Kicksecure Signing Key.

  1. Steps 1-3 can be completed with just one command. gpg --import /usr/share/whonix/whonix-keys.d/derivative.asc