Template:Restart Tor
Restart Tor.
If you are using Kicksecure inside Qubes, complete the following steps.
Qubes App Launcher (blue/grey "Q")
→ Kicksecure ProxyVM (commonly named 'kicksecure')
→ Restart Tor
If you are using a graphical Kicksecure, complete the following steps.
Start Menu
→ Applications
→ Settings
→ Restart Tor
If you are using a terminal-only Kicksecure, press on Expand on the right.
Complete the following steps.
Restart Tor.
sudo service tor@default Restart
Check Tor's daemon status.
sudo service tor@default status
It should include a a message saying.
Active: active (running) since ...
In case of issues, try the following debugging steps.
Check Tor's config.
The output should be similar to the following.
/===================================================================\ | Report Summary | \===================================================================/ No error detected in your Tor configuration.