Template:Persistent Tor Entry Guards Introduction

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What are Tor Entry Guards? If you do not know that yet, please press on expand on the right side.

Persistent Tor entry guards as used by Tor, Whonix, Tor Browser Bundle (TBB) and others are beneficial for security, however in some situations it is safer to not use your usual guard relay.

The guard relays picked by your Tor client can make your Tor use fingerprintable across different physical locations and access points, potentially deanonymizing you in some corner cases such as the one described below. This attack is less severe that now upstream (The Tor Project) has moved from using three relays to a single one.

Consider this scenario: You run Tor from home. Then there is some prominent event or protest in your city that you attend and anonymously blog about it from there. The fact that your client is using the same entry guard from this other location gives network adversaries a high certainty that the anonymous posts came from the same person that was connected to that specific guard relay from their home. The relative uncommonness of Tor usage already exasperates the problem even more.

This is similar to tracking users by MAC addresses, so if this matters to you, you should keep care of that also.

  1. source:
    torproject.org What are Entry Guards?archive.org (warchive.org)
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